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Red Faction Lives!

Well it's been quite some time since I have updated anything on this site but after some massive spam bots were blowing up some of my contact forms I started poking around a little bit and hitting some community links. There is an awesome feeling of nostalgia while looking at some of these sites but then also some emptiness when I see how many sites have closed down and any record of that part of the Red Faction community or clan or resource is comepletely gone and taken out of the games history. I always felt the Red Faction community was one of the best I have ever taken part in and it is still amazing to see what this community is doing with a game that lost support so many years ago.

Props to everyone out there still participating in the community, supporting the community and playing the game. Although this website doesn't get updated with new content anymore RFV isn't going anywhere any time soon.

Until next time... Dr@gon

Wednesday March 23 - 11:53PM


Red Faction: Guerrilla...

The domain is active once again.

THQ has the official Red Faction website back up but for whole new reason; Red Faction: Guerrilla!

Red Faction: Guerrilla is a multi-platform video game in development by Volition, Inc. to be published by THQ, and set to be released before Q1 2009. On February 20, 2008 during Game Developers Conference '08, THQ revealed the game would be an "open world" shooter.

The story takes place 50 years after the original Red Faction. The EDF who came at the end of Red Faction has stayed and Mars has been dominated by the EDF. Then a guerrilla movement has occurred, resulting in all out war between the miners and civilians on mars, and the EDF. The games goal is to cause as much damage to the EDF as possible, forcing them to leave the district, but they can come back later. It will be a sort of ebb and flow type of warfare.THQ has stated in an interview with Game Informer that they will take GEO-Mod to the next level.

Not a whole of of information in there but at least it is an official confirmation that there will in fact be a Red Faction 3 and with Volition doing the work for it; it should be the quality that the original Red Faction turned out to be only with a whole new revised Geo-Mod gaming engine with superior graphics. Start saving your money people because chances are this Red Faction won't run on most of the systems you are playing the first Red Faction on!

Thanks to DeathFactory on the forum for bringing this to my attention.

Wednesday March 5 - 8:10PM [ Comments ]


New files added...

Well half of the update is done and some new maps are finally on the site. Sorry for the delay.

I am still working on screenshots and testing some mods and programs and they should be up tomorrow or Thursday.

Newest Maps
2 CTF Rail Maps
2 CTF Maps
6 DM Maps
2 Map Packs

Tuesday October 16 - 10::39PM [ Comments ]


Update coming...

I just wanted to post a quick note that the RFV FTP upload should be back up and running now and I am in the process of getting an update done. Everything that was uploaded before the FTP server went down has been taken off and I am working on it to get it uploaded. If there is anything else that anyone has been waiting to upload please do so as soon as possible so I can get it in the update I am working on. Thanks!

Friday October 12 - 8:52PM [ Comments ]



Well believe it or not RFV is not dead... yet. I can't belive an update hasn't been done since the end of May and I really wanted to get one done before all this madness but free time is just something that I haven't really seen in the past few months. There have been some emails and some forum posts asking about an update and it is coming; sadly I have to say that its not coming until about the middle of September.

With a wedding coming up September 1st there is quite a bit of stuff to get done yet and on top of that at the end of next week I will start moving our things to a new apartment closer to work. Moving means that thing will be rather chaotic for a few weeks with everything and until I get my cable hooked up at the new apartment not much will be getting done on the internet at all really. We will be back from our honeymoon on September 10th and that's when I should start getting things back in order again. However, to top everything off I just got done building myself a sweet new computer and I need to get everything moved over to that in the process of all this other madness. And it is using an EVGA 8800GTS which doesn't play Red Faction; so there is something else I need to figure out as well.

My server here at home (which runs the FTP upload for RFV) will probably go offline tomorrow (Sunday) or later in the week and probably will not be back up till September; possibly running as a new server and possibly running a custom map server again... not that anyone played on it before. However, everything that has been uploaded now and is uploaded in the next few days WILL get added to the site when the update is done.

I know people want their files on the site and I apologize for the delay; but like I have always said, life has to come first. And now especially with my new blushing bride! See ya in September!

Saturday August 18 - 6:27PM [ Comments ]


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