Shadow Ninja's Training Map Pack

This map pack contains 7 Death Match Red Faction maps.

Included Maps:

DM-The Crypt by Jenni
DM-Barracks by Riku
DM-RFC-Training Base by Tiger
DM-Mean by Jan Radt
DM-MoRF-Dark Chasm by eONsCHISM
DM-RFU2-Kill Bill - by w.r.e.c.k.s.
DM-Rainbow Run by Matthew Arsenault
DM-Run Bitch Run! by Infernus
DM-Tide Runners by w.r.e.c.k.s.


Just double click shadowninjastraining-mp.exe to start the installation, then locate and install the mappack in your \user_maps\multi folder.

The default location for multiplayer maps is C:\games\RedFaction\user_maps\multi