DM Rail Map Pack

This map pack consists of 12 of the most popular and well designed DM Rail Maps produced in the Red Faction Community.

Included Maps:

DM-Ascension by Hell Hunter
DM-Corpses Rail Arena by espear
DM-Cold Fusion By RF Grim Reaper
DM-Ezar's Rail Arena by Ezar
DM-Hell's Final Night by Hell Hunter
DM-Kasabian Rail by mad_ferrit & Sir Lots-A-Pot
DM-MF-RF-Rail Arena by mad_ferrit
DM-NC-JumpNFrag 2 by NoClanFrank
DM-Psychadelic Arena by Pickles
DM-Sacrificial Rail Arena by YourParents
DM-SWA 3D Rail by Grim Reaper & MadCat
DM-Vortex by Hell Hunter


Just double click dmrail-mp.exe to start the installation, then locate and install the mappack in your \user_maps\multi folder.

The default location for multiplayer maps is C:\games\RedFaction\user_maps\multi