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The RFV Forum has been taken offline.

Due to my web host discontinuing support for MySQL 4 and the old outdated version of IPB that I was running not supporting MySQL 5; I have decided to just take the forum offline instead of wasting time hacking it further to work on MySQL 5. There was a little bit of valuable content on it but nothing major as it was never really put to very good use. Thanks to the members and handful of admins that did use it over the years. Your service is appreciated.

Even though the forum is now offline - RFV is not going anywhere. I am still surprised by the amount of traffic this site is getting after all of these years and the emails I continue to get every now and then from individuals thanking me for still making the files availalble. Thanks to everyone that still uses the site.

Friday September 5 - 9:32PM

© Dr@gon's Red Faction View since January 2002 - v4

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